What's this?! A blog post that isn't about film photography?!! yes! this is a place for all sorts of photographic tomfoolery you know - this time I want to tell you about a shoot i was invovled in recenlty for Adidas....yes, that Adidas.... the real one, they make trainers and stuff....
My friend Ruth (of Ruth Ellen Brown Photographic fame) asked me to help out as 2nd Videographer and shoot some BTS images with Ruth as lead Videographer and Photographer, Creative Direction by Peter O'Toole and Modelled by Busilana Kashilembo (Quej to his friends) - let me introduce you to the team:
Behind the scenes on 'Champion' shot on 35mm film - see you knew I'd get some old school film action in here somehow ;)
Ruth is an internationally published (Vogue et al) Professional Photographer and film maker who runs a Studio in my home village of Slaithwaite, I've worked with Ruth on several creative and commercial projects and continue to be inspired by her creativity, artistry and the sheer awesomeness of her work. An amazing Photographer, Retoucher, Creative Director and Film Maker - Ruth has just successfully completed 'Photography Mastered' with the legendary fashion photographer Nick Knight.
When she's not doing all of that Ruth helps run a business hub for start up and small creative businesses called Co-UP and just in case all of that wasn't enough Ruth has also been an Ambassador for the Princes Trust - sharing her story with young people across the UK and inspiring them to think BIG! Ruth is one of those rare people who wants to share her skills, passion and knowledge with others and I'm lucky enough to be one of those people.... oh and she listens to 90's techno... like on purpose....for fun....
The extended version of the film 'Champion'
Photo by Ruth Ellen Brown
The focus for the shoot was Quej's own personal journey of arriving in the UK as a refugee as a young boy and how football gave him the opportnity to connect and communicate with people at a time when he didnt have the words.... his story is deep and i was really moved by it, Quej is a proper cool guy and it was a pleasure working with him on this shoot - he is a Football Coach for Hull City, a Semi-Professional Footballer in his own right and a UK Ambassador for the Princes Trust he also works with young people in his adopted home town of Hull and on top of all that, he's a bloody good model too - yes, he is one of those annoying multi talented people! :)
Photo by Ruth Ellen Brown
Speaking of which it was also an absolute pleasure to meet and work with Creative Director Peter O'Toole - if you haven't checked out his Graphic Design and Illustration work yet then do so right now (i mean NOW)!! by clicking HERE it is AMAZING!! Peter has worked with some massive names - Clarks Originals, Ministry of Sound, Microsoft, Carhartt and of course Adidas to name just a few.....and now of course he can finally add my name to that illustrious list! haha! Peter is a genuine, down to earth guy with a real passion for his work which is contagious - he also has possibly the largest collection of Adidas trainers of anyone I've ever met!
another behind the scenes 35mm film shot
Short version of our Adidas advert - 'Champion'
This was my first experience of shooting video pretty much ever....have to say i was quite nervous at first but actually really enjoyed it, I might have to delve a bit deeper into this new fangled 'moving pictures' thing....i think it's gonna catch on - you heard it hear first folks! :)