Darkroom Printing

A Darkroom Printing Workshop is the perfect way to make the most of your black and white film negatives and let them fulfil their photographic potential by making a proper Darkroom print!

From basic darkroom skills for first time printers, to more advanced processes for seasoned practitioners, I’ll guide you through each stage of the process from evaluating your negatives and choosing which one to print, how to use a photographic enlarger, making test strips and how develop and fix your final print.

Please bring your own developed black & white negatives in either 35mm or 120 formats and I’ll supply the photographic paper & chemicals.

The Darkroom Printing workshop lasts 4 hours and costs £150 per person either as a 1to1 or for a small group of up to 3 people.

Dates and times will be arranged with participants.

To book a workshop please email info@chrischinnockphotography.com or complete the form below.